Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Mews

I am so happy to hear that all my friends survived Irene. I hope you all are not too wet and that your humans remember to give you extra snuggles and pats for being brave! The only thing that we got here was wind and clouds but no rain.

I have been busy hunting and I brought Grandma a bird that she clearly didn't apprciate.

Then she muttered something about bird feeders or whatever.

Yep pretty boring mews today!

ps. we just heard about Captain Ripley and Thor passing over the bridge. I really liked Captain Ripley and he taught me many lessons about how to treat the dogs around me. I know that Thor is a great friend of Mango's and I have heard nothing but good about him.

Please send your respects to their blogs.


  1. We are SHOCKED that your Mom didn't pluck and fricassee that birdy for you.

  2. oh dear, grandmas usually don't like birds, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  3. Look at you getting in some snuggles there too! Good job hunting! I can't imagine why Momma was unimpressed!

  4. I wuz very happy when Irene left my house, dat is fur sure! I do not understand why your grandma din't like your birdy gift.... ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS I can"t beleeves I won 2nd place in your beach bum contest! Mom is gonna send you a pmail right now
