Just in case you forgot in all the excitement of the superbowl, the Mango Minster Show started this week. Congrats to all the winners of the Shameless and Diva Doggies! Please remember to go vote for the reader's choice everyday this week and to see all the different categories.

Also I just wanted to let you all know that I am amidst negotiations with my Mom and Grandma about holding a party after the Mango Minster is finished for all my friends. I really need your help though, I am wondering how I can mass order cheetos, whether the beer company truck will deliver to my house and how to download a free version of photoshop or what other kind of program everyone uses to fix up their pictures. ( You know like the get rid of the wrinkles and slim your tummy kind! )
We use the PhotoShop Elements which cost about $100. It makes for super parties. Hope you have lots of foodables arriving.