Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beach Bum Contest Update

Hey everybody, I know that I have been seemingly absent from the blogging world. After last week's break from the world, Mom is now piled under a mountain of homework to get done. So we have decided to extend my Beach Bum Contest for one more week! This means that all you cats and dogs who want to enter can still do so!

My personal pool

I will need entry beach bum pictures emailed or posted on your blog with an email sent to me at by August 6th, 2011. I am super excited to see what you and your humans come up with for your beach themed pictures. Remember no edits allowed!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Just one this week

Yep just one post this week, poor Mom has had the sickies all week and no internet in her bedroom. She finally made it out of bed today and is feeling good enough to post for me. We did have a few chances to read posts this week and you helped make Mom feel better with all your great rescue news, posts on how to stay cool, and funny adventures.

We will keep today short and remind you that my Beach Bum contest is still running for cats and dogs. You have until July 30th to post and email or just email me at your beach bum picture entry. One of my fave summer things to do is cat fishing:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Beach Bum Contest

Exciting news everyone,

I Blair, have decided to run my very own beach bum contest, with prizes too!

(Toweling off)

In order to enter you must have your humans take your picture with a beach theme. You can then post your picture on your blog and email me to let me know or just email the picture to me at You have until July 30th, to help your humans get the perfect pic!
-Be sure to tell all your friends-

1. Picture must be beach themed: speedos, bathing suits, hula skits, coconut bras, etc.
2. No picture editing is allowed, must be real life pictures.


1st Prize: One Suprise Goodie Bag
2nd Prize: $25.00 to charity of your choice
3rd Prize: $20.00 to charity of your choice

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Where have I been, Where have I been?

Well Mommy has been to see the future king and queen!

I know that some of my friends were very upset that their invites to the royal wedding were lost in the mail. So I'm sure you will enjoy the pictures that Mom took even though they are not journalism perfect they do show you a great view.

Alright now here is Parliament Hill where all the the official people like to hangout and well we are not sure how much they work there.

Whoops wrong way mr. septic truck

Some fellows in awfully funny hats

The street filled crowd waiting in the 30 degree C weather (like 100 degrees F)

Stephen Harper's family ( he is our prime minister)

RCMP Musical Ride horses

And finally the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (far right corner)

Hope you enjoyed Mom's pictures, she had a great time and says we will be back to posting regularily soon!